Thursday, March 14, 2013

Social Business Diary #1

Business & IT Convergence ...

As we know, with more and more of Business and +Information Technology  convergence, cloud computing need to meet the rationale of Software Economics. We can see that the dynamics between 'Money' and 'Data' is still a perplexing question. There are some who says 'Data' is 'Money'. But people are realizing that only with a clear cut model for software economics they can evaluate the hypes and marketing frameworks that mystify each software invention.

What should be understood by the term 'Business Agility' ? How +Information Technology  can transform your Business to an agile environment? It all revolves around your understanding of key drivers of growth and dampening factors that divert your focus. This link will tell us that, without a clear cut and forward looking +business architecture , Business Agility will remain a jargon for ever.

As the product development spirits are gearing up in India, and as we conceive more and more innovation within the design space, it is time for us to think of a broader strategy for Product Life-cycle Management( +PLM ). And it is where +IBM can help you with a vast arrays of methods and tools ...

Social Business is a buzz word with lot of meaning and nothingness within. It will end up as a hollow pot if we don't use our intelligence and understand our business. So this post pronounces that the basics of Business remains the same even we embrace social space!

PS: All views are my own

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